Keto Oreo


Кето бисквитки с бадемово брашно, слепени с маслен крем.



What will the cookies fascinate you with?

As we are not just talking about the most children's , but also adults' favourite OREO … but about KETO oreo! That is - divine cocoa cookies, with a gentle cream filling. Moreover without any sugar!

They are amazing! They can be eaten just like that. Or with milk . Or with coffee. Or even frozen, resembling ice cream cookies.

Sweetened are only with еритритол, and besides are gluten free!

They are sweet enough, but at the same time they are light and melting. Super YUMMY !


Gluten free.

Sugar free.


Подсладител – еритритол.

Additional information




Milk and milk products, Nuts, Eggs and products thereof


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