Keto spinach cake


Ванилови блатове със спанак, чийз крем с бял шоколад без захар и шоколадова глазура.



Why to choose it?

It's interesting! It's a spinach cake. It's sugar free. It's gluten free. So, how it tastes?

Because you are on a keto diet or you don't eat any sugar.

Because you don't like ways to sweet cakes.

The vanilla spinach layers are so fluffy! Being combined with the white chocolate cheese cream makes the cake more than yummy!


Gluten free.

Подсладители: еритритол и бял шоколад без захар



Additional information


Milk and milk products, Soy and soy products, Nuts, Eggs and egg products

Raw or baked

Cakes with baked layers


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