If you are looking for an idea for a healthy and delicious breakfast, I suggest you try the fastest coconut pancake! The recipe is super easy, and the result is "fluffy" pancakes, similar to American ones.
Necessary ingredients:
- 2 eggs
- 10 g coconut flour (about 1 full tablespoon)
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- 15 g honey
- 50 g skimmed cottage cheese
- 50 g banana
- cinnamon
Method of preparation:
Mix the eggs, add the coconut flour and stir until homogeneous.
Put the coconut oil in a heated pan and pour the mixture. When the pancake is cooked, flip and cook the other side.
Transfer the pancake to a plate, put some honey on it, sprinkle it with cinnamon, add the cottage cheese and banana, and… Your coconut pancake is ready!
You have one pancake with the following nutrition values:
- 350 calories
- 31.5 g carbohydrates
- 15.2 g fat
- 23.6 g protein
Author: Katrin Mollova